Depression, such a complex word that explains certain times in life. When I first read about YSI Global I was not sure what I wanted to do with my life, I was not feeling good with who I was, what I was doing and how much I was trying to help my society. I needed a change.
Back in December 2017 I saw a post of “Tu Beca Bolivia,” a website for promoting scholarships and programs abroad. They published all the information about YSI Program, including the application process. After reading it all, I realised that it was an amazing chance I had to use my knowledge and guide my efforts on something better.
I think it’s hard to measure an opportunity when you are not completely conscious about your reality. But if you try hard enough you can find some light between darkness. I used to think that I wasn’t good enough for anything but sometimes, taking battles that you think are lost, end up being the best wins in your life.
After passing the first phase of the application process which picked around 1500 people from 8000+ applicants, I thought that was the farthest I was going to reach. Full of fears I continued with the process, filling all the information I had to and being positive and realistic about what I was able to do. I did not check my mail after that, thinking that that was the end of the story. When after some time I saw a mail that said that I was one of the 200 people selected that were going for a final phase to get the 21 participants of the program. I did not make it to the group of 21. As my expectations fell into the great abyss of lack of confidence, I needed a break to rethink everything. As I was reflecting on the things I had learned during the application process, like the SDGs, entrepreneurship and so on I understood that no matter how hard any situation is, there will always be people who want a change and it is possible to make.
Some months later while working on my daily tasks, I received a mail from one of the teams who wanted to have an interview with me. There was a small opportunity that they were going to add me in the team. After some discussions they decided to include me in the program as a team member of theirs. I was ready to start a new journey.
A journey that has not ended yet. The journey for working towards quality education and gender equality. And it only started the day that I forced myself to continue working despite the fears of my mind.
Don’t think that you are not good enough. I think that the best thing we can do for ourselves, is to work to become the person we want to be. Don’t be so harsh with yourself. I never had imagine that I was going to be included in one team in the program but here I am.
And now, I can say for sure that the YSI program has taught me so many things, from confronting my fears, dreaming bigger, being hopeful, working hard and dream of changing the world. There are people outside who want to help, who want to understand, who want to collaborate. Be one of them.
Also, during the last 2 weeks of the program, in Oslo, my team was able to learn so much about entrepreneurship. We could meet many CEOs of various companies, young people who were motivated enough to believe in positive change. The team was able to create a stronger connection to be more productive and honest between each other.
Now, the new participants are in Oslo and their projects are amazing! I was lucky enough to support some of the projects as a “Buddy” and I hope the very best for them.
It is time to start your own journey.